commit daa4d2bd737a7901eb0ed3f77b3da3e815fd0f9e
Author: Tim Biermann <tbier(a)>
Date: Sun Aug 20 23:22:23 2023 +0200
mkvtoolnix: -> 78.0
diff --git a/mkvtoolnix/ruby3.2.patch b/mkvtoolnix/ruby3.2.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dd5e2e08..000000000
--- a/mkvtoolnix/ruby3.2.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-From ab6455f68c597ede3d6959597a38f2ecbc198011 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Moritz Bunkus <mo(a)>
-Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2023 22:27:27 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] build system: fix compatibility with Ruby 3.2.0
-Several deprecated functions were removed: `Dir.exists?`,
-`File.exists?` & `FileTest.exists?`. Instead of those
-`FileTest.exist?` must be used (without the `s`). See the release
-notes for Ruby 3.2.0 as well as the issue for removing the functions:
- | 9 +++++++++
- Rakefile | 12 ++++++------
- .../file_list_to_nsi_uninstaller_instructions.rb | 2 +-
- rake.d/compilation_database.rb | 4 ++--
- rake.d/config.rb | 4 ++--
- rake.d/helpers.rb | 10 +++++-----
- rake.d/online_file.rb | 4 ++--
- rake.d/tarball.rb | 2 +-
- tests/test-0382split_chapters.rb | 2 +-
- tests/test-0532chapter_generation_when_appending.rb | 2 +-
- tests/test-0533chapter_generation_interval.rb | 2 +-
- ...34chapter_generation_when_appending_audio_only.rb | 2 +-
- ...est-0535chapter_generation_interval_audio_only.rb | 2 +-
- tests/test.d/simple_test.rb | 6 +++---
- tests/test.d/test.rb | 6 +++---
- tools/development/update_translations.rb | 4 ++--
- 16 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/ b/
-index 1b67afb44..80a7bceb8 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
-+# Version ?
-+## Bug fixes
-+* build system: fixed compatibility with Ruby 3.2.0 by using `FileTest.exist?`
-+ instead of `File.exists?`, `Dir.exists?` & `FileTest.exists?` which were
-+ removed in that release.
- # Version 73.0.0 "25 or 6 to 4" 2023-01-02
- ## New features and enhancements
-diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
-index 8bf87d647..89cf8f1cd 100644
---- a/Rakefile
-+++ b/Rakefile
-@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ def define_default_task
- targets << ($run_unit_tests ? 'tests:run_unit' : 'tests:unit') if $have_gtest
- # The tags file -- but only if it exists already
-- if File.exists?("TAGS")
-+ if FileTest.exist?("TAGS")
- targets << "TAGS" if !c(:ETAGS).empty?
- targets << "BROWSE" if !c(:EBROWSE).empty?
- end
-@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ end
- rule '.1' => '.xml' do |t|
- filter = lambda do |code, lines|
- if (0 == code) && lines.any? { |line| /^error|parser error/i.match(line) }
-- File.unlink( if File.exists?(
-+ File.unlink( if FileTest.exist?(
- result = 1
- puts lines.join('')
-@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ EOT
- if $po4a_cfg
- desc "Update the man pages' translation files"
- task :manpages do
-- FileUtils.touch($po4a_pot) if !FileTest.exists?($po4a_pot)
-+ FileUtils.touch($po4a_pot) if !FileTest.exist?($po4a_pot)
- runq "po4a", "#{$po4a_cfg} (update PO/POT)", "#{c(:PO4A)} #{$flags[:po4a]} --no-translations ${po4a_cfg}"
- $all_man_po_files.each do |po_file|
-@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@ if $po4a_cfg
- po4a_sources += $available_languages[:manpages].map { |language| "doc/man/po4a/po/#{language}.po" }
- file $po4a_stamp => po4a_sources do |t|
-- File.unlink($po4a_stamp) if FileTest.exists?($po4a_stamp)
-- FileUtils.touch($po4a_pot) if !FileTest.exists?($po4a_pot)
-+ File.unlink($po4a_stamp) if FileTest.exist?($po4a_stamp)
-+ FileUtils.touch($po4a_pot) if !FileTest.exist?($po4a_pot)
- runq "po4a", "#{$po4a_cfg}", "#{c(:PO4A)} #{$flags[:po4a]} #{$po4a_cfg}", :filter_output => po4a_output_filter
- runq_touch $po4a_stamp
-@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ task :clean do
- remove_files_by_patterns patterns
-- if Dir.exists? $dependency_dir
-+ if FileTest.exist? $dependency_dir
- puts_vaction "rm -rf", :target => "#{$dependency_dir}"
- FileUtils.rm_rf $dependency_dir
- end
-diff --git a/packaging/windows/file_list_to_nsi_uninstaller_instructions.rb b/packaging/windows/file_list_to_nsi_uninstaller_instructions.rb
-index 045f59aca..d62cb5713 100755
---- a/packaging/windows/file_list_to_nsi_uninstaller_instructions.rb
-+++ b/packaging/windows/file_list_to_nsi_uninstaller_instructions.rb
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ fail "Missing file list name" if ARGV.empty?
- config = read_config
- file_name = ARGV[0]
--file_name = "#{config['file_list_dir']}/#{file_name}.txt" if !FileTest.exists?(file_name)
-+file_name = "#{config['file_list_dir']}/#{file_name}.txt" if !FileTest.exist?(file_name)
- files = IO.readlines(file_name).map { |file| file.chomp.gsub(%r{^\.}, '').gsub(%r{^/}, '').gsub(%r{/}, '\\') }
- dirs = {}
-diff --git a/rake.d/compilation_database.rb b/rake.d/compilation_database.rb
-index 67f05b143..00ef35406 100644
---- a/rake.d/compilation_database.rb
-+++ b/rake.d/compilation_database.rb
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Mtx
- end
- def
-- return {} unless FileTest.exists?(@file_name)
-+ return {} unless FileTest.exist?(@file_name)
- Hash[
- *JSON.parse(IO.readlines((a)file_name).join("")).
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Mtx
- def self.write
- return if @compilation_commands.empty?
-- return if !FileTest.exists?(@file_name) && !c?(:BUILD_COMPILATION_DATABASE)
-+ return if !FileTest.exist?(@file_name) && !c?(:BUILD_COMPILATION_DATABASE)
- entries = { |e| e["file"] }
-, "w") do |f|
-diff --git a/rake.d/config.rb b/rake.d/config.rb
-index 1869e4eac..c3b0d3811 100644
---- a/rake.d/config.rb
-+++ b/rake.d/config.rb
-@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ end
- def read_build_config
- dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..'
-- fail "build-config not found: please run ./configure" unless File.exists?("#{dir}/build-config")
-+ fail "build-config not found: please run ./configure" unless FileTest.exist?("#{dir}/build-config")
- config = read_config_file("#{dir}/build-config")
-- config = config.merge(read_config_file("#{dir}/build-config.local")) if File.exists?("#{dir}/build-config.local")
-+ config = config.merge(read_config_file("#{dir}/build-config.local")) if FileTest.exist?("#{dir}/build-config.local")
- config
- end
-diff --git a/rake.d/helpers.rb b/rake.d/helpers.rb
-index 97041d8fc..bdabc7730 100644
---- a/rake.d/helpers.rb
-+++ b/rake.d/helpers.rb
-@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ def import_dependencies
- Dir.glob("#{$dependency_dir}/*.dep").each do |file_name|
- lines = IO.readlines(file_name).collect(&:chomp)
- target = lines.shift
-- file target => { |dep_name| File.exists? dep_name }
-+ file target => { |dep_name| FileTest.exist? dep_name }
- end
- end
-@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ def install_data(destination, *files)
- end
- def remove_files_by_patterns patterns
-- patterns.collect { |pattern| FileList[pattern].to_a } { |file_name| File.exists? file_name }.each do |file_name|
-+ patterns.collect { |pattern| FileList[pattern].to_a } { |file_name| FileTest.exist? file_name }.each do |file_name|
- puts_vaction "rm", :target => file_name
- File.unlink file_name
- end
-@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ def check_version required, actual
- end
- def ensure_file file_name, content = ""
-- if FileTest.exists?(file_name)
-+ if FileTest.exist?(file_name)
- current_content = IO.readlines(file_name).join("\n")
- return if current_content == content
- end
-@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ def update_version_number_include
- current_version = nil
- wanted_version = c(:PACKAGE_VERSION)
-- if FileTest.exists?($version_header_name)
-+ if FileTest.exist?($version_header_name)
- lines = IO.readlines($version_header_name)
- if !lines.empty? && %r{#define.*?"([0-9.]+)"}.match(lines[0])
-@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ def update_qrc_worker qrc
- double_size = size * 2
- double_file = "share/icons/#{double_size}x#{double_size}/#{base_name}.png"
-- next unless FileTest.exists?(double_file)
-+ next unless FileTest.exist?(double_file)
-, 'alias' => name_alias)
- seen[file.gsub(%r{.*/icons}, 'icons')] = true
-diff --git a/rake.d/online_file.rb b/rake.d/online_file.rb
-index 7daf5dc97..f5219ebec 100644
---- a/rake.d/online_file.rb
-+++ b/rake.d/online_file.rb
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Mtx::OnlineFile
- file_name ||= url.gsub(%r{.*/}, '')
- file_name = "tmp/#{file_name}"
-- if !FileTest.exists?(file_name)
-+ if !FileTest.exist?(file_name)
- @@to_unlink << file_name
- runq "wget", url, "wget --quiet -O #{file_name} #{url}"
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Mtx::OnlineFile
- return if c?(:KEEP_DOWNLOADED_FILES)
- @@to_unlink.
-- select { |fn| FileTest.exists? fn }.
-+ select { |fn| FileTest.exist? fn }.
- each { |fn| File.unlink fn }
- end
- end
-diff --git a/rake.d/tarball.rb b/rake.d/tarball.rb
-index c9cc3fd82..6b840b772 100644
---- a/rake.d/tarball.rb
-+++ b/rake.d/tarball.rb
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- def create_source_tarball suffix = ""
- tarball = "#{Dir.pwd}/../mkvtoolnix-#{c(:PACKAGE_VERSION)}#{suffix}.tar.xz"
-- fail "#{tarball} does already exist" if FileTest.exists?(tarball)
-+ fail "#{tarball} does already exist" if FileTest.exist?(tarball)
- Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
- clone_dir = "#{dir}/mkvtoolnix-#{c(:PACKAGE_VERSION)}"
-diff --git a/tests/test-0382split_chapters.rb b/tests/test-0382split_chapters.rb
-index db2ae297f..0319a73a8 100644
---- a/tests/test-0382split_chapters.rb
-+++ b/tests/test-0382split_chapters.rb
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ avi = "data/avi/v-h264-aac.avi"
- chapters = "data/text/chapters-v-h264-aac.txt"
- def hash_results max
-- ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ File.exists?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
-+ ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ FileTest.exist?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
- end
- test "chapters-in-mkv: numbers 1 & 7" do
-diff --git a/tests/test-0532chapter_generation_when_appending.rb b/tests/test-0532chapter_generation_when_appending.rb
-index a36cf9c65..4f396dda1 100755
---- a/tests/test-0532chapter_generation_when_appending.rb
-+++ b/tests/test-0532chapter_generation_when_appending.rb
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ file = "data/avi/v-h264-aac.avi"
- describe "mkvmerge / generate chapter »when-appending«"
- def hash_results max
-- ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ File.exists?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
-+ ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ FileTest.exist?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
- end
- test_merge "#{file} + #{file} + #{file}", :args => "--generate-chapters when-appending"
-diff --git a/tests/test-0533chapter_generation_interval.rb b/tests/test-0533chapter_generation_interval.rb
-index e584915a7..b2210642c 100755
---- a/tests/test-0533chapter_generation_interval.rb
-+++ b/tests/test-0533chapter_generation_interval.rb
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ file = "data/avi/v-h264-aac.avi"
- describe "mkvmerge / generate chapter »interval«"
- def hash_results max
-- ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ File.exists?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
-+ ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ FileTest.exist?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
- end
- test_merge "#{file} + #{file} + #{file}", :args => "--generate-chapters interval:30s"
-diff --git a/tests/test-0534chapter_generation_when_appending_audio_only.rb b/tests/test-0534chapter_generation_when_appending_audio_only.rb
-index 2a3dbc7d3..8984cb31f 100755
---- a/tests/test-0534chapter_generation_when_appending_audio_only.rb
-+++ b/tests/test-0534chapter_generation_when_appending_audio_only.rb
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ file = "data/simple/v.mp3"
- describe "mkvmerge / generate chapter »when-appending« without video tracks"
- def hash_results max
-- ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ File.exists?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
-+ ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ FileTest.exist?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
- end
- test_merge "#{file} + #{file} + #{file}", :args => "--generate-chapters when-appending"
-diff --git a/tests/test-0535chapter_generation_interval_audio_only.rb b/tests/test-0535chapter_generation_interval_audio_only.rb
-index 7fa7270b6..3d3c96ed6 100755
---- a/tests/test-0535chapter_generation_interval_audio_only.rb
-+++ b/tests/test-0535chapter_generation_interval_audio_only.rb
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ file = "data/simple/v.mp3"
- describe "mkvmerge / generate chapter »interval« without video tracks"
- def hash_results max
-- ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ File.exists?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
-+ ( (1..max).collect { |i| hash_file(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, i)) } + [ FileTest.exist?(sprintf("%s-%02d", tmp, max + 1)) ? 'bad' : 'ok' ]).join '+'
- end
- test_merge "#{file} + #{file} + #{file}", :args => "--generate-chapters interval:30s"
-diff --git a/tests/test.d/simple_test.rb b/tests/test.d/simple_test.rb
-index 1ba6ea167..7490d2738 100644
---- a/tests/test.d/simple_test.rb
-+++ b/tests/test.d/simple_test.rb
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class SimpleTest
- end
- def clean_tmp
-- File.unlink(@tmp) if @tmp && File.exists?(@tmp) && !ENV["KEEP_TMPFILES"].nil? && (ENV["KEEP_TMPFILES"] != "1")
-+ File.unlink(@tmp) if @tmp && FileTest.exist?(@tmp) && !ENV["KEEP_TMPFILES"].nil? && (ENV["KEEP_TMPFILES"] != "1")
- @tmp = nil
- end
-@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class SimpleTest
- re = %r{^#{self.tmp_name_prefix}}
- Dir.entries($temp_dir).each do |entry|
- file = "#{$temp_dir}/#{entry}"
-- File.unlink(file) if re.match(file) and File.exists?(file)
-+ File.unlink(file) if re.match(file) and FileTest.exist?(file)
- end
- end
-@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class SimpleTest
- command = "../src/mkvpropedit --engage no_variable_data #{file_name} #{args.first}"
- *result = self.sys command, :exit_code => options[:exit_code], :no_result => options[:no_result]
-- self.sys "../src/tools/ebml_validator -M #{file_name}", dont_record_command: true if FileTest.exists?("../src/tools/ebml_validator")
-+ self.sys "../src/tools/ebml_validator -M #{file_name}", dont_record_command: true if FileTest.exist?("../src/tools/ebml_validator")
- return *result
- end
-diff --git a/tests/test.d/test.rb b/tests/test.d/test.rb
-index 88384dd49..f9053d310 100644
---- a/tests/test.d/test.rb
-+++ b/tests/test.d/test.rb
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Test
- re = /^#{self.tmp_name_prefix}/
- Dir.entries($temp_dir).each do |entry|
- file = "#{$temp_dir}/#{entry}"
-- File.unlink(file) if re.match(file) and File.exists?(file)
-+ File.unlink(file) if re.match(file) and FileTest.exist?(file)
- end
- end
-@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class Test
- output = hash_file @tmp
- if erase
-- File.unlink(@tmp) if File.exists?(@tmp) && (ENV["KEEP_TMPFILES"] != "1")
-+ File.unlink(@tmp) if FileTest.exist?(@tmp) && (ENV["KEEP_TMPFILES"] != "1")
- @debug_commands << "rm #{@tmp}"
- @tmp = nil
- end
-@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class Test
- command = "../src/mkvpropedit --engage no_variable_data #{file_name} #{args.shift}"
- *result = sys command, retcode
-- sys "../src/tools/ebml_validator -M #{file_name}", :dont_record_command => true if FileTest.exists?("../src/tools/ebml_validator")
-+ sys "../src/tools/ebml_validator -M #{file_name}", :dont_record_command => true if FileTest.exist?("../src/tools/ebml_validator")
- return *result
- end
-diff --git a/tools/development/update_translations.rb b/tools/development/update_translations.rb
-index fc7e4d7e4..6f5bad185 100755
---- a/tools/development/update_translations.rb
-+++ b/tools/development/update_translations.rb
-@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ module AddPo
- base ||= ''
- target = "#{$po_dir}/qt/qt#{base}_#{language}.ts"
-- if !FileTest.exists?(target) && /^([a-z]+)_[a-z]+/i.match(language)
-+ if !FileTest.exist?(target) && /^([a-z]+)_[a-z]+/i.match(language)
- target = "#{$po_dir}/qt/qt#{base}_#{$1}.ts"
- end
-- fail "target file does not exist yet: #{target} (wrong language?)" if !FileTest.exists?(target)
-+ fail "target file does not exist yet: #{target} (wrong language?)" if !FileTest.exist?(target)
-, "w") { |file| file.puts"\n") }
- File.unlink file_name