Yesterday I tried to install ntp from contrib and (NOT to my surprise) noticed
the source() being out of date. Still or again, I don't know.
At least it seems to me as especially prologic seems to have no time to keep
his ports up to date. One example here is getmail for which I contacted him
*several* times to update it. But without success.
I'd very happily like to help fixing this situation as there are quite some
ports outdated or configured with broken URLs. After I grumbled in #crux
tilman asked me if I wanted to become a contrib maintainer.
I'd like to. I'm familiar with the process / ruling for new maintainers.
I do NOT have a (public) repo. But I do have the motivation for maintaing
high quality ports. Additionally I think I have the knowledge to do so.
All in all I want to improve ports' quality but there's one requirement for me
willing to work as a maintainer: prologic has to agree that I take over some
of his ports.
In the meantime I wrote to prologic and he replied he would be ok for him if I
took over some or all of his ports. Maybe he wants to speek up here regarding
the issue of future maintainance.
I attached a diff with changes to fix the obvious problems (broken DL links,
outdated packages I use) and a list (43 of 174) with the ports I dare to maintain ad-hoc.
What do you think?
kind regards, Thomas Penteker
Too few computrons available.