Hi devs, With your permission, I'd like to join the contrib team. I've been running CRUX on bare metal since 2015. In 2021 I got a computer powerful enough to do full-system updates every week, allowing me to experiment more efficiently with different build recipes. Since that hardware upgrade I've been hanging out in the IRC channels to help troubleshoot build failures and to share patches, most recently for docbook-xml. I also helped revise the CRUX handbook and a couple of wiki pages for the latest release. I host some work-in-progress rewrites of the official pkg and port utilities, at https://git.sdf.org/jmq/Documentation , and a personal port collection https://git.sdf.org/jmq/cruxports . My main intention in applying to contrib is to help relieve the burden on overworked core maintainers, not to upload a whole bunch of ports from my personal repo that nobody but myself will ever use. Aside from docbook-xml and docbook-xsl (which Matt has offered to hand over), there are $(prt-get printf "%i\t%n\t%M\n" | grep -v "^no" | grep -c Danny) 131 Romster ports that I use and could take over maintenance of, if Danny wants to offload any of them. My maintainer practices could definitely benefit from some more automation and clean-room testing (using ck4up and docker, for example), rather than the relaxed attitude of "updating whenever I get around to it." I hope that being invited to participate in contrib will be the incentive to finally adopt such a workflow, at least for the ports that I pick up. Thanks for considering my application! Best regards, John