Hi devs, With your permission, I'd like to join the contrib team. I was a maintainer a while ago (git log --author='Alexandr Savca'), but I quit because I couldn't balance work and maintenance responsibility. Well, that's in the past. I learned how to manage my time and pay attention to both work and CRUX. Throughout the year I have been maintaining part of the ports at this address: git clone --depth 1 -b 3.5 https://github.com/non-yellow-spot/vccrux.git There are many ports, some of which (like metasploit, sslyze, etc) are of questionable quality. I need them for work, and I'm not going to add them to the contrib. Here is a list of ports that I did not find in the contrib collection, and which are of good quality that I would like to maintain: aircrack-ng alsaequal amass arp-scan arpspoof asleap aspell-ru bully caps capstone captal cowpatty dhcp-spoof djvulibre ettercap girara gmtp hashcat hashcat-utils hashid hcxdumptool hcxtools hostapd hwloc karma lft libmtp macchanger masscan mdk3 ncrack p5-exiftool p5-file-remove p5-gtk2-trayicon p5-module-install p5-module-scandeps p5-netpacket p5-net-pcap p5-net-rawip p5-string-crc32 p5-text-asciitable p5-yaml-tiny padbuster pax-utils pcsxr pdfcrack perltidy pixiewps pixload polipo proxychains-ng python3-mechanize python3-pycryptodomex python3-pyelftools python3-webencodings qt5ct qt5-styleplugins radare2 scapy spoofcheck sslsplit thc-ipv6 torsocks wordlistctl xautolock xxhash zathura zathura-djvu zathura-pdf-poppler -- Kind Regards, Alex