Port: /home/crux/svn-to-rsync-working-copy/crux-2.2/opt/eclipse-sdk
Url: ftp://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/mirror/eclipse/R-3.1.2-200601181600/eclipse-SDK-3.1.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz
Reason: curl: (8) This doesn't seem like a nice ftp-server response
State: New
Port: /home/crux/svn-to-rsync-working-copy/crux-2.2/opt/ethereal
Url: ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/ethereal/ethereal-0.99.0.tar.bz2
Reason: curl: (8) This doesn't seem like a nice ftp-server response
State: New
Port: /home/crux/svn-to-rsync-working-copy/crux-2.2/opt/libtiff
Url: ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/libtiff/tiff-3.8.2.tar.gz
Reason: curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
State: New
Port: /home/crux/svn-to-rsync-working-copy/crux-2.2/opt/maradns
Url: http://www.maradns.org/download/1.2/
Reason: curl: (52) Empty reply from server
State: New
Port: /home/crux/svn-to-rsync-working-copy/crux-2.2/opt/sitecopy
Url: http://www.lyra.org/sitecopy/sitecopy-0.16.3.tar.gz
Reason: curl: (52) Empty reply from server
State: New
Full report: http://crux.nu/files/check_urls.html
[moved to crux-devel]
On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 15:12:02 -0500, Jonathan Asghar wrote:
> >I enabled check_urls on crux.nu, it'll run once per day. I assume there
> >are a couple of false positves, like the file:// urls. If you find
> >others please let me know.
> >
> woah! ok, good i was worried for a sec there. I was about to say that
> our ML had gone insane!
> Acutally i think it's a great idea honsetly, it's useful....but i dont
> think every day updates, maybe once a week? (but still have it check
> everyday).
> Is that possible?
Depending on how we do it it's a bit harder, although the point of this
is pretty much that we detect failures as early as possible, so I think
running it daily is preferable.
Also note that it won't send out any message if there's no error, so
unless URLs break daily, we shouldn't see warnings every day.
Extending it to send out warnings the day they're detected, but only
weekly reminders might be sensible, although in this case it might be a
good idea to also generate a web page where you can check whether a
particular problem is still present (since we might see temporary server
downtime from time to time).
If time permits, I'll have a look at this tomorrow. I have an idea which
seems pretty easy to install, but would like to verify it first :-).
Regards, Johannes
Johannes Winkelmann mailto:jw@smts.ch
Zurich, Switzerland http://jw.smts.ch