Hey. Don Cupp wrote in <1152876777.449542.1560380336620@mail.yahoo.com>: |I think you can already do this with rngd. | |rngd -r <your entropy dump> -o /dev/random Well i have never said i made a brilliant discovery or something. Hm, i did not know about rngd until you mentioned it (i was grown in BSD land), but looking at the manual -r requires a random producing hardware device .. so does looking at the code. That i do not have around. Maybe you too, then you now have a little helper. I personally think it is kind of overengineering and silly that i as the owner of my box cannot simply store away and feed back in entropy via the shell, just as via that urandom seed stuff. In fact that entire RNG issue makes me sick, eh, a pool of noise protected by two chained expensive math algorithms, going into a second pool which does ditto or something, on a box that does so much stuff, with (hopefully) hooks sitting on top of all the virtual file system and network and input device and time counters which add some further noise, all the time, why am i not allowed to simply feed in some collected random data to unlock that mess. Terrible. That is: i remember i creating PGP keys with hammering less than five minutes on my keyboard alone. The difference in the amount of random is as large as the universe. Howdy. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)