13 Sep
13 Sep
11:02 p.m.
will there still be a way to get ahold of those ports? i use a couple of them. i suppose i'll maintain them in my own repository if it comes to that. have a good one, tony -- * * * Anthony de Almeida Lopes guerrilla_thought@gmx.de AIM: whatsheon * * * "And someone else might feel something scratching in his mouth. he goes to the mirror opens his mouth: and his tongue is an enormous, live centipede, rubbing its legs together and scraping his palate. He'd like to spit it out, but the centipede is part of him and he will to tear it out with his own hands..." -- Jean Paul Sartre * * * Superg�nstige DSL-Tarife + WLAN-Router f�r 0,- EUR* Jetzt zu GMX wechseln und sparen http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl