Nick Steeves <> wrote:
Ok, I just now switched over to freeglut. So far, everything seems stable. I
recompiled mesa3d "just in case". Kpovmodeler works without any weirdness,
slowdown, or artifacts. Xmoto also runs without incident--xmoto is, of
course, installed strictly for testing freeglut. :-) gl-117, (a arcade-ish
flight sim) which also depends on GLUT, runs fine. Jay, thanks for the
willingness to help me test this. If you don't already subscribe to my repo,
you can httpup sync with:


I have it installed (build went fine, and no conflicts here - I have an ATI card and use the free drivers).  Now I just need something to test it with..  I'll look at the two you mentioned.  Any other quick tests I can run?

Jay Dolan
Software Engineer, Systems Analyst
Windmill Cycles, Inc.

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