I limited my $COLLECTIONS to core, because x11 doesn't seem to want to build on my CRUX 2.1 system (a glibc too old? Maybe it doesn't build with gcc3?). Here is the output for a bootstrap of core: devtest2 # make bootstrap Bootstrap started (2006-02-17 14:43:49) - Stage 0 (2006-02-17 14:43:49) make[1]: Entering directory `/home/media/software/CRUX_Buildkit/devtest2' =======> ERROR: Md5sum mismatch found: =======> ERROR: Building '/usr/pkgs/db#4.4.20-1.pkg.tar.gz' failed. =======> ERROR: Md5sum mismatch found: =======> ERROR: Building '/usr/pkgs/flex#2.5.31-2.pkg.tar.gz' failed. =======> ERROR: Md5sum mismatch found: =======> ERROR: Building '/usr/pkgs/grub#0.95-3.pkg.tar.gz' failed. =======> ERROR: Md5sum mismatch found: =======> ERROR: Building '/usr/pkgs/pciutils#2.2.1-2.pkg.tar.gz' failed. =======> ERROR: Md5sum mismatch found: =======> ERROR: Building '/usr/pkgs/slocate#2.7-3.pkg.tar.gz' failed. CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686 -pipe", btw, on a Pentium 4 with good RAM. I wonder if the sources are just down, or what? I wonder if something like this: http://www.coralcdn.org/ could prevent such incidents? Cheers, Nick