Hi, When building ports, sometimes source tarballs have names that could collide with other ports. I don't remember it ever happening to me, but it was raised in Flyspray [1], and I guess it could happen. To show it with a sample Pkgfile: name=dotconf version=1.3 release=1 source=(https://github.com/williamh/$name/archive/v$version.zip) So I made a patch that allows renaming the downloaded source files by using an associative array, like this: name=dotconf version=1.3 release=1 declare -A \ source=([$name-$version.zip]=https://github.com/williamh/$name/archive/v$version.zip) While being compatible with current Pkgfiles. The patch is attached to Flyspray, along with alternative solutions proposed by other people. I also have a patch that allows to continue building a port after it fails, instead of starting from the beginning. If this sounds interesting (and worthy of merging), please let me know. Best regards, Alan [1] https://crux.nu/bugs/index.php?do=details&task_id=923