If something depends on opt/xfree86, for example, I usually put 'xfree86' as a dependency and assume that the other things like fontconfig and freetype2 are already installed. Is this the right thing to do, or should I be adding all the packages to the dependencies line? * Simone Rota <sip@varlock.com> [03/08/04 12:59]: [snip]
NB: I'm not trying to force anybody into fixing these issues, as soon as I get some spare time I'd like to have a deeper look at every single log myself, but any help /comment is really appreciated :-)
Wow, 44% of the ports in contrib failed. That doesn't look very good. Perhaps there could be a third category of 'UNTESTED' (or something) for the ports that didn't even start to get built because previous dependencies failed. -- Robert McMeekin <rrm3@rrm3.org>