Markus Ackermann wrote: [...]
IMHO with the rise of httpup there's no need for such a repository, every contributor can have his own httpup webspace. In order to still have a central directory you could create a httpop-rep port which always contains all known /etc/ports/*.httpup files. I think most httpup repository maintainers would still allow CLC maintainers to take over their ports for inclusion in contrib, if need arises. With such a decentralized model CRUX would be the first distribution to use P2P for its packaging :-)
I agree. Your suggested system would be much cleaner and UNMAINTAINED is a very ugly system. I think people will find that searching for httpup-rep ports is similar to searching for unmaintained ports (do a find in /usr/ports). Also, all the people who have updated ports from UNMAINTAINED should make them available through an httpup-rep. I'm curious about how you think we can implement a *.httpup submission system (or is there already one I don't know about)? And who will maintain the fabled httpup-rep port? I really like the idea of getting rid of UNMAINTAINED. :-) //Rob