On Wed, 21 May 2008 21:41:31 +0200 Jose V Beneyto <sepen@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
Hi people,
Hey sepen,
As surely someone has known, pitillo and me are involved on developing a safe environment where test crux ports.
yes we told this in the irc channel too and I think people in the channel have read your mail there and they will know about it now.
Apparently, ATM don't exist a unified way for testing/developing ports. As we known, developers are using prtutils, chroot environments or unfortunately other are using their own crux system for building and testing their ports, and that sounds terrible in some cases.
if this enviroment can be used in a unified way for packagers/maintainers better (or if it can give an idea to the comunity to talk about, too) IMHO, this can be good for packagers to follow the same path to make ports.
For that, we are working on 'safe-env', a environment similar to a "freshinstall", where testing ports and try to discover bugs, and also the most issues that crux users can find when they are building ports for their systems.
I think it's a good idea, for personal use to test ports there, or like I have been doing, building ports from public repositories to see if I saw errors or troubles and I gave clues to solve problems.
We are trying to keep the environment as simple as possible (KISS), giving freedom to respect people's customs or preferences working daily with CRUX, but having the security of a minimal and secure environment.
Surely we have errors or other things that can be done better, without doubt, but now our first objective is to know if CRUX people can see it like as a idea that can be done better in a future, and if it can be of benefit for all the community.
Another important reason, if someone is interested, I am quite sure he will fix errors, or he will find another way to do something, and can be good to make the enviroment better day by day.
The environment consist in 2 scripts: safe-env and prt-clean: - with safe-env we can build a "freshinstall" environment and play with it. - also, with prt-clean we can take snapshots at different moments of our environment and then delete ports between snapshots (taking first a freshinstall snapshot)
Being minimal it can be flex and we can give it more uses, personally I'm using it to build uCRUX packages for my old 486 laptop, so I don't spend hours and hours compiling on it.
Well, I am giving it 2 uses too, one in a computer with 2 ssh users wich has the safe env directly and the other, to learn about cross-compiling, testing some clfs scripts to build toolchains and may be one day I will continue with bd2's crux-arm project
Finally, we will glad to known your opinions/suggestions/etc about that.
last release: http://mikeux.dyndns.org/crux/distfiles/safe-env-0.1-svn162.tar.bz2 svn repository: svn://mikeux.dyndns.org/safe-env/trunk
Thanks in advance, and best regards,
Regards, pitillo. -- Learning bit by bit. -pitillo-