Mark Rosenstand [2006-09-17 00:33]:
On Sat, 2006-09-16 at 13:33 +0200, Tilman Sauerbeck wrote:
fontconfig's configuration scheme has been extended. Instead of putting all kinds of settings into local.conf, fontconfig how ships with a set of configuration files (/etc/fonts/conf.avail) that can be symlinked to /etc/fonts/conf.d to enable them. This means that only more exotic settings will have to be made via local.conf, for the usual suspects, you can just symlink the file.
This somewhat collides with pkgutils' upgrade feature though. Imagine that after installation, you removed some of these symlinks to adjust fontconfig to your needs. Then, a few months later, you upgrade fontconfig to the latest version, and it will install the symlinks again :x
Is this acceptable?
Perhaps that "INSTALL ... NO" feature you've added to pkgutils could be used for more than just junk files :)
Good idea, I didn't think of that. README could tell the user about preventing fontconfig of installing the symlinks, if he wants to keep his config. And README should probably contain a bunch of "ln" commands to set up the config as intended by fontconfig's install target. Regards, Tilman -- A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?