Daniel Mueller wrote:
Not only by its name - but in general "yes". I've had a short look at OpenPAM's feature list and its sources. The differences I found were: - less security modules (only pam_unix, pam_permit and pam_deny) and - OpenPAM has its own implementation of su(1).
Okay - I see now that you did some research before determining it to be inadequate or inappropriate. Your message was so brief..it appeared otherwise.
Hmm. I do not longer think that PAM will ever be included in CRUX. Also I had a lot conversations regarding PAM and the result was that nobody really wanted/liked it (I'm a bit tired now). But you're right.
I don't think that's necessarily true. Personally, I don't have strong feelings either way if, as you said, average users won't have to know or care that it's there. I did not mean to discourage you further, as I know you've met some resistance with your proposal. Johannes has informed me that my tone was harsh in my last message, so if I offended you, I did not intend to and apologize. -- Jay Dolan jdolan.dyndns.org A: Because it's annoying to read. Q: Why is top-posting bad? A: Top posting. Q: What's the most annoying thing about usenet?