Hi guys, Boston, Massachusetts, has been selected for this year's conference. Meetings will be held the week of November 7th in New Bedford and/or North Dartmouth, where I live[1]. We're also factoring in one recreational day of sight seeing and fun in Boston, so bring your beer mugs. I can provide accomodations for 2 attendants. Neither spot has been spoken for yet. There are also several reasonably priced hotels[2] within 15 minutes from my apartment. I live approximately 1 hour from Logan Intl Airport. I have absolutely no problem making one trip for departures and arrivals, each. Additional rides can be arranged in exchange for backrubs. It would be helpful if those who want a ride to/from the airport coordinate their flight times with the other attendants. Probable attendants: Per Liden Johannes Winkelmann Matt Housh Jay Dolan (I dunno, I might skip..) We have some big issues to tackle this year. Merging the two projects, their websites, and deploying the new 'contrib' collection are among them. Hopefully, with a full week to work together, we can accomplish a great deal. Please consider attending if you have the means to. We have a lot of planning to do (most of that will fall on my lap, which is fine :)) I will do everything I can to accomodate, organize, and provide whatever we need. I hope to hear from you all soon. [1]http://maps.google.com/maps?q=34+s+6th+st,+new+bedford,+ma&spn=0.019624,0.034206&hl=en [2]http://www.hotels.com/processSearch.do?inout=&CIYear=2005&COYear=2005&searchID=AC102643-89D2-E910-5CF2-E1912490261D&paging=1&stateCode=MA&countryCode=USA&state=&numrooms=1&numadults=2&numchildren=0&roomOccupancyString=1%7C%7C2%7C0%7C0&usertypedcity=north+dartmouth%2C+ma&userdropdownselection=null&myrecentsearchdestination=&destination=usertyped&sortBy=&origdest=usertyped&CIMonth=11&CIDay=6&COMonth=11&CODay=12&changeTravelDatesButton.x=19&changeTravelDatesButton.y=5&hotelName=&newLandmarkDestID=orig&z_property=ALL&amenity_0=on Jay Dolan Software Engineer, Systems Analyst Windmill Cycles, Inc. 508.999.4000 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com