On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 01:19:24PM +0300, Mikhail Kolesnik wrote:
I'd like to have ability also to specify mirrors by hand. Attached patch woks for me. It is simple and somewhat ugly template, functionality is near to what I want to be implemented. + One line in pkgmk.conf + Mirror maintaining is 50-80 ugly bash lines. Or even less if http://crux.nu/src/ will contain contrib sources, which is unlikely to be true =)
NIH syndrome? ;-)
Seriously, patch like that is written almost three times (two really, but first was somewhat similar). Maybe one of the core developers will review one of the patch and apply it to pkgutils? Otherwise we'll get new mirrors-patches every half year. :-)
So, it is a feature, which people do really want. Nice to know, thanks and sorry.
Nothing to sorry about, Mike. I think that more patches like that will be written, then [I hope] soon some of them will be applied. ;-) The really pity fact is: none of the patches applied. And I didn't heard any reasons except "we don't have own mirrors, so why should we have mirrors support in pkgutils". -- Anton (irc: bd2)