That is derivative information, in other words, it can be obtained without adding a new meta field. 

Well-made ports have the packages that they depend on, so if you update a package, and the ABI changed, then recompile all the packages that depend on it.

On Friday, January 2, 2015 7:11 AM, Jose V Beneyto <> wrote:

Hi Leo,

first, thanks for your ideas and your time.

About recompile meta:

- To note about rebuild issues we have notification emails and also the
README file in each port

About xfce:

- I am not opposed to having more contributors in XFCE, it would be
helpful to me, but in which target(s)? do you have a patch for anything?
or special interest on a port or ports?

- Anyways, to help, IMHO it would be best if I know your previous work.
And you should also follow the rules of contrib [*]
"Maintain an httpup repository for a while (maybe 2-6 month) to get used
to packaging, following upstream sources etc."

Best regards,

- sepen


El 02/01/15 a las 12:59, Leo Unglaub escribió:
> Hey guys,
> i want to propose a "recompile" meta field in Pkgfiles that would list
> packages that need to be rebuild after an update of the current package.
> This would be very handy specially for the XFCE4 ports with i would love
> to take over and maintain. But thats another topic ;)
> What are your thoughts on that one? An example would look like that:
>> # Description: PolarSSL - Straightforward, Secure Communication
>> # URL:
>> # Maintainer: Leo Unglaub, leo at leo-unglaub dot net
>> # Developer: Paul Bakker, p.j.bakker at offspark dot com
>> # Depends on: cmake
>> # Recompile: hiawatha
> Greetings
> Leo

Jose V Beneyto |

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