On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 10:16:39AM +0700, Emmanuel Benisty wrote: Hello Emmanuel,
On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Emmanuel Benisty <benisty.e@gmail.com> wrote:
Some kind of chain reaction (involving Swedes, IRC and smileys) triggered this application for opt access. Even if I never really had an official user repository, I have always been willing to give back what I could to CRUX community. Being officially involved in the project would definitely be the most efficient way to do so. Therefore, I'm pleased to submit this application for your consideration.
Some of you know I've been *very* hesitant to do this, exactly for the reasons Jose pointed out. So, thanks a lot for the +1's and sorry for the wasted time and bandwidth but I think this thread should die peacefully now.
first of all many thanks for your offer to help. It's a bit sad to see that you've withdrawn your application already. But to be honest we need more help to understand your motivation and the background for your offer. Keep in mind that getting opt access means to become an official CRUX maintainer. The usual questions that ever people beeing ask in this context will raise are something like: - How long do you use CRUX? - Why CRUX and not distro XYZ? - What are your special interest with regard to ports, e.g. DE ports? - Do you have special programming skills? - Do you have other areas beyond ports you would like to help? - ... Thanks and best regards Juergen