Hy Jonathan, On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 15:04:48 -0500, Jonathan Asghar wrote:
hello all. first off i'd like to say hello and thank you for per for making crux.
I'm a new reader of the list, but long user of crux and am excited to help the project. I read the email that Johannes has sent out and thought i might put my "newbie" view to the roadmap. 1. New Server - can i ask why? is clc.morpheus.net not sufficient? Well, morpheus.net was never really meant as a permanent solution, even
2. Structure of the CRUX/CLC project - what is the structure now? is there a good communication between the hierarchy? Currently, CLC is a completely separate project (own webpage, own CVS etc.) so a structure is yet to be defined. Regarding communication: I
Welcome and thanks for the nice words! though it's been a great temporary one. The idea is to merge the webpages of crux and clc to avoid further confusion for the users; a common webpage will allow to point users to a single URL for both crux (the core) and the additional stuff we do at CLC. think it's working fine, with the issues all public projects of a certain size face: timezone differences, (non-crux)work load and so on.
3. Webpage move/merge (new ports db); things currently missing - is there a dedicated wiki/webmaster that is supposed to take care of it? Might be a good idea; Simone is currently running some test (you can find more info on this in the mailing list archive).
5. CVS merge contrib -> opt; core group - does that mean to actually convert it into one directory? That's the plan, yes
6. New contrib collection - what can be considered something to add to the new contrib and how does that differ than opt? the new contrib will be a merged collection of httpup repositories, maintained by our users. There's quite a lot on that in the archives of this list, too: https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/clc-devel/2004-September/000601.html should give you an idea of the concept ('people' there refers to the new contrib collection).
sorry if that seems kinda basic but i figure what a better place to ask. just my two cents. I hope I could make some things clearer :-)
Kind regards, Johannes -- Johannes Winkelmann mailto:jw@tks6.net Bern, Switzerland http://jw.tks6.net