18:01 cptn: we should make a small modification to our pmwiki setup 18:01 please have a look here: 18:01 http://lists.crux.nu/pipermail/crux-devel/2007-June/002667.html 18:02 oh 18:03 will do 18:03 thx 18:04 done :-) 18:05 I guess we're ready to go 18:07 jue: I take it you're not in contact with Falk anymore? 18:07 I mean, on a regular basis 18:07 cptn: no, but it's not a problem to contact him 18:07 I think it would be nice get him more involved 18:08 if he's interested, that is 18:08 yes 18:09 cptn: you've done the changes to Site:EditForm as well? 18:09 s/:/\./ 18:09 ah no, not yet 18:09 just config.php 18:10 I've also added Falk to the About page 18:10 thought so because it dosn't work ;-) 18:12 can you check again? 18:13 yes, works 18:13 cool 18:14 mmmh, if namenlos doesn't show up we could also start the meetings around 8pm 18:14 I'll have to ask him again once he's online 18:15 6 is very early indeed 18:15 it wasn't my first choice either... 18:16 so I assume nipuL will join us later 18:16 today it's fine for me, because I must leave around 8 18:16 okay 18:16 I wonder if nipuL is awake, he did some attempt earlier. :D 18:16 s/did/made/ 18:16 foiled by timezones I guess. :D 18:17 it was tuesday in .au :-) 18:17 so, here's the first item: 18:17 "Bug triaging: Mark as "Acknowledged" if we're working on it, status 'New' should only be for bugs we've not looked at yet 18:17 " 18:18 currently, we have quite some bugs in status "New" 18:18 some quite old 18:18 "Acknowledged" should be "Unconfirmed" here 18:18 I think we should try to have as many bugs as possible assigned 18:18 and the rest in "Unconfirmed" once we've looked at them 18:18 so we can just go through all the "new" reports at these meetings 18:21 thers's no "Acknowledged" status actually, but I guess it's easy to add? 18:21 I had that for a while 18:21 but removed it, since "Unconfirmed" is already there 18:21 and they somehow overlap 18:21 but we can easily change the status name if we want to 18:25 might be better to have only "Unconfirmed" and "Assigned", but yes I agree with you 18:25 okay 18:25 any other opinions? :-) 18:27 *ribbit* 18:36 cptn: thanks for fixing up the MeetingAgenda page btw :D 18:36 * tilman goes hunting for food 18:36 heh, no problem 18:37 be back soon for the meeting ;] 18:37 well, i don't know what we need "acknowledged" for 18:37 okay 18:37 I screwed up :-) 18:38 acknowledged = unconfirmed 18:38 since if someone changes it to something it's already ack'd :) 18:38 yeah 18:38 let me fix that item 18:40 basically, it's two things: 18:40 - try to assign as many bugs as possible 18:40 - for bugs that got comment, or were discussed outside of FS, mark them as "Unconfirmed" 18:41 this way, "New" really means "New" 18:42 iirc there was some kind of "flyspray maintianer" job on the page that isted tasks that need someone to do them 18:42 -typos, sorry about the lag, getting a local client as we speak :) 18:43 cptn took that job iirc 18:44 :D 18:44 ah 18:44 well, i was going to suggest that perhaps a specific person isn't needed for that because everyone can assign (and change to unconfirmed if necessary) sort of on-the-go 18:45 yeah, I think everyone should update the status 18:45 I can go through them and try to assign them 18:46 -!- aon2 (aon) [i=aon@MDCXVII.gprs.saunalahti.fi] has joined #crux-devel 18:46 I don't mind changing the statuses of the existing bugs 18:47 but if we make this a guideline, people will hopefully change the status whenever they comment for example :-) 18:47 indeed 18:49 -!- aon_ (aon) [i=aon@KMCCVII.gprs.saunalahti.fi] has joined #crux-devel 18:50 -!- aon_ [i=aon@KMCCVII.gprs.saunalahti.fi] has quit (Client Quit) 18:54 should we enable contrib by default on 2.5? 18:55 i think it's reasonable to keep it disabled 18:56 okay 18:57 I'll write a note on the meeting summary 18:58 that everybody should try to set bug states correctly 18:58 or a at least it should have some kind of qa in that case 19:00 what about "[notify]" support for contrib? 19:00 -!- jue_ (Juergen Daubert) [n=juergen@p54A1E86B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #crux-devel 19:00 sepen used it today, but I guess there's no hook installed 19:00 that seems good 19:01 they should have that i think 19:01 contrib ports can have important securitu updates too 19:02 *y 19:06 okay 19:06 next point: 19:06 Find a better name than "casual developer's IRC meeting" 19:06 unless the name is okay as is :-) 19:06 I was thinking "developer get together" or something 19:06 to make it less formal 19:07 although today, we are actually somewhat formal I guess 19:08 doesn't matter to me 19:09 i think i'll go afk now, the instability of this connection is really getting on my nerves 19:09 cu 19:09 bye 19:09 I like the name as it is 19:10 yeah, it's okay ;p 19:10 fine :-) 19:10 then, we have http://crux.nu/bugs/index.php?do=details&task_id=253 19:10 ld.so.conf.d 19:11 I haven't heard anyone objecting to this so far 19:11 -!- fetid [n=junkie@] has quit ("Leaving") 19:11 damn 19:11 now he just left 19:11 :D 19:11 junkie was supposed to implement it :-) 19:12 -!- jue [n=juergen@p54A1B787.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:13 -!- jue_ is now known as jue 19:13 -!- aon2 [i=aon@MDCXVII.gprs.saunalahti.fi] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:20 so I guess we can just move #253 to the list of things to implement 19:20 yes 19:21 /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ should be added from the "filesystem" port? 19:21 yes 19:21 or we could also install this from glibc 19:21 since we manually install ld.so.conf there too 19:21 i think i'd prefer glibc to do it 19:21 both are fine with me, but if ld.so.conf is not around, the directory has no effect 19:22 so I'd include it in glibc 19:22 ok 19:23 http://rafb.net/p/ouJuXr60.html 19:24 I think this should be all that's needed 19:24 plus maybe a note in the Handbook, and adjusting some ports that can make use of it of course 19:26 should we also define a naming guideline? 19:27 such that ports installing to /etc/ld.conf.so.d/ always use $name.conf 19:27 or maybe $name*.conf 19:27 +1 19:28 why allow $name*.conf? 19:28 can you think of a scenario where $name.conf wouldn't be enough? 19:28 mmmh, good question 19:28 no, I can't 19:29 okay, $name.conf it is :-) 19:29 also easy to verify via prtverify :-) 19:30 if the rafb.net paste looks good to you, I'll attach that to the bug report 19:31 yes, ok for me 19:32 cptn: you forgot .footprint ;) 19:32 oh, the missing footprint change shows that I don't build it yet :-) 19:32 heh 19:32 otherwise okay 19:33 :D 19:33 preparing food, bbl 19:34 jue: since you'll be away once nipuL arrives... 19:34 should we quickly discuss the 64-bit tasks? 19:34 I'll then forward your comments 19:34 yes 19:34 one is the .arch file format 19:35 where I suggested we _could_ add an "# Arch maintainer: " field there 19:36 that is somewhat coupled with the other item: 19:36 do we want a master branch 19:36 nipuL would maintain nvidia, but he has only a x86_64 setup to test it 19:36 -!- sepen (mikeux.dyndns.org) [n=sepen@] has joined #crux-devel 19:37 hey 19:37 hi sepen 19:37 hmm, we cannot assume that all maintainers are using the samer arch in te4h future IMO 19:38 I think so too 19:38 so if nipuL started maintaining nvidia on x86_64 today, someone could maintain it in our regular tree 19:39 should that arch maintainer be mentioned in the regular Pkgfile, or outside? 19:39 i.e. in the .arch file 19:39 as soon we have an official x86_64, I'd say yes 19:40 oops we haven't logs 19:40 sorry, you was to fats for me, that's an reply to the former statemnet 19:40 clb? 19:41 ah :-) 19:41 oh 19:41 sepen: wasn't aware of this 19:42 I can publish the log file later on 19:42 ok 19:42 also I've a botlog if you want 19:43 weird situation if there are ports in the inofficial 64bit, that aren't in the official i686 version. Or maybe that's just my brain getting stuck on another non-issue? 19:43 that's why I said "as soon as we have ..." above 19:44 noted. 19:44 I was curious about what the rest of the gang thougth. Maybe I missed something though. 19:44 treach: no comments so far 19:45 aon is having connection problems, and tilman is eating 19:45 ok 19:45 jue has to leave at eight, so we were quickly going over the remaining items 19:45 hmm, TBH the whole multi-arch thing isn't that smart right now 19:46 jue: I agree, but I'm not sure if it ever will be 19:46 -!- clbot (clbot) [n=clbot@] has joined #crux-devel 19:46 sepen: thanks 19:46 yes, that's the problem 19:47 http://mikeux.dyndns.org/crux/irc/ 19:47 jue: I guess we'll collect some ideas on this later 19:48 jue: I don't think anything will be fixed before we go official 19:48 right now out .xxx files are "hidden" files because the normal user don't need them, so putting the arch maintainer in it ... 19:48 s/out/our/ 19:48 good point 19:49 that's actually a very good point, which kinda closes this one for me :-) 19:49 dotfiles are for tools, not users 19:50 jue: finally, what's your point on making a monthly IRC meeting? 19:50 but developers should known their existence 19:50 you know, more official 19:50 jue: I get the impression that with these meetings, it might not even be needed 19:50 I mean about dotfiles 19:51 sepen: sure, but we were discussion whether the "arch maintainer" should be listed in the .arch file 19:51 more official? I think our casual meeting is official enough ;-) 19:51 well, more formal maybe, somewhat mandatory :-) 19:52 just the traditional IRC meetings we used to have 19:52 where major discussions can be taken, and people may reserve time to attend 19:52 having a defined point where you can get things really decided isn't a bad thing if I may have an opinion. 19:52 ok, no problem for me 19:52 good 19:53 then I just have one last item on my list: 19:54 how should I call the mailing list that gets the output of prtverify and the source check? 19:54 crux-notifications? 19:54 sounds reasonable 19:55 okay 19:55 crux-commits 19:55 also would be good, or not? 19:55 well, it's really "commits" 19:55 the git commits are 19:56 and they go to a mailing list called crux-commits :-) 19:56 http://lists.crux.nu/mailman/listinfo/crux-commits 19:56 ok 19:56 maybe commits could go to crux-notifications though 19:57 I think we can merge mail-generated by script in the same list 19:58 I'll ask that in the summary mail 19:58 not sure if could be a good idea 19:59 I think a number of users read -commits just to see what's happening 19:59 but I think they wouldn't care about the reports 20:01 yeah 20:02 crux-reports sounds better than crux-notifications for me 20:02 thanks, I'll add that name to the list 20:02 it's shorter, too 20:05 just as you say: 'reports' 20:05 :) 20:05 cptn: I still don't like the .arch name, mainly because it's only use currently is to identify compat32 ports 20:06 offtopic, what about DE discussion? should be a dedicated meeting for it? 20:06 jue: I guess it we'll never use it except for compat ports or cross compilation 20:07 sepen: well, or maybe just a discussion on the mailing list 20:07 ok 20:07 to give everyone enough time to comment 20:07 +1 20:08 but I have no strong opinion on that topic, so it's ok for me 20:08 jue: okay :-) 20:09 sepen: you're one of the contrib contact persons, right? 20:09 you mean contrib secretary? 20:09 yeah 20:09 cptn: i like how we're specifying Arch Maintainer next to the Maintainer in the pkgfile in the experimental trees 20:09 cptn, there was no results about the poll 20:09 tilman: yeah, me too 20:09 i think moving Arch Maintainer to .arch would be ... bad ;p 20:10 I'm completely convinced :-) 20:10 sepen: okay; the question is whether we should enable the post commit hook for contrib 20:10 okay, thought you suggested moving it 20:10 i guess i'm misremembering 20:10 no, I did 20:10 jue convinced me 20 minutes ago 20:10 oh, haha 20:10 +1 for hooks 20:11 sepen: should I post that to the contrib list first? 20:11 just a little question. What good is the information about the maintainer in a pkgfile when it's the archmaintainer that should be contacted if there is any problem? 20:11 hmm or me 20:11 I foresee some confusion on that point. 20:11 treach: that might happen indeed 20:12 cptn, I'll write a mail to -contrib about this point 20:12 sepen: okay, thanks 20:12 ok, have to leave now, anything urgent left? 20:12 with I think its a great feature for this list 20:12 s/with/but 20:12 well, we'd send it to crux@lists.crux.nu, right? 20:13 jue: not that i know of 20:13 tilman: glibc gives a footprint mismatch if texinfo is installed :-) 20:14 oh, I guess that's even good this way 20:14 people with texinfo problably want them 20:14 bye 20:14 bye jue 20:14 bye 20:14 -!- jue [n=juergen@p54A1E86B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 20:17 I'm a bit confused today, I received my new car 20:17 :) 20:18 heh, nice 20:18 what kind of car? 20:18 renault megane 20:19 * treach *chirp* *chirp* 20:20 faster than alonso's f1 20:20 xDDD 20:23 anyone else having problems attaching files in flyspray? 20:23 hmm could be possible to merge clb and cruxbot and host it in crux.nu? maybe irc.crux.nu? 20:25 cptn, can I do a foo test ticket in FS? 20:25 sure 20:25 ok 20:28 cptn, I can't see the attach file button, only the 'add this task' one 20:29 okay, thanks 20:29 why can't things just work :-) 20:29 np 20:29 xDDD 20:30 i'd rather install a separate logging bot on crux.nu than touch cruxbot 20:30 cruxbot is doing the git job quite well. better not touch a running irc bot :P 20:31 hmm 20:32 tilman, do you plain any index.php or equivalent script for the web access? 20:32 i'm not planning anything right now :D 20:32 what's up with clb anyway? 20:32 did jaeger say anything? 20:33 ok, I have my own too, but its dependent on the irclog format 20:34 and what about irc.crux.nu, could be possible? 20:34 or maybe is a bad idea? 20:35 hosting the logs on crux.nu should be okay 20:35 and also pointing to it from http://crux.nu/Main/Community 20:35 although whatever is done by others at the moment is good 20:35 yeah 20:35 since we really have plenty to do 20:36 irc.crux.nu... well, if our hoster would respond to our support requests, then yes :-) 20:36 well I'm here if you want something more from me 20:36 I have no idea why adding attachments is broken 20:36 I clean my cache, etc etc but the same results here 20:37 yeah, same here 20:38 I have a git local copy of flyspray too, but nothing strange grep'ing it 20:39 *err svn 20:55 profit talk again today, thank you. bbl 20:56 * treach awaits his check 20:56 dunno, we rocked more last week 20:57 cptn: you could try vim flyspray.conf.php and comment out the attachment section 20:59 sounds like a plan :-) 21:08 ah 21:08 attachment directory was not writable 21:08 -!- sepen [n=sepen@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21:09 oops 21:10 -!- sepen (mikeux.dyndns.org) [n=sepen@] has joined #crux-devel 21:18 cptn, exactly which post-commit hook should be enable? 21:19 the one which send mails? 21:20 cptn: maybe we should use openntpd on crux.nu instead of rsync 21:20 the one which sends mail to crux@lists.crux.nu if [notify] is in the commit message 21:20 time stamp 2008-07-01 21:18:36 is 13.246566 s in the future 21:21 sounds good to me 21:21 i'll write it down 21:21 s/rsync/rdate/ but i guess nobody noticed :p 21:22 I guessed 21:23 hmm 21:24 ok that would be really nice 22:16 -!- Netsplit leguin.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: aon 22:17 -!- aon (Antti Nykänen / OH1FJV) [i=aon@aon.iki.fi] has joined #crux-devel 22:33 -!- treach is now known as anoymous_user 22:38 -!- anoymous_user is now known as treach 22:44 Is something missing? http://crux.nu/Wiki/MeetingAgenda 22:54 bbl 23:03 I think all except what nipuL is needed/wanted for :-) 23:05 unless he's busy, he should turn up shortly. 23:46 NOT! 23:46 ;-) --- Day changed Wed Jul 02 2008 00:07 I guess I'll call it a night 00:07 good night cptn 00:07 good night!