i was just wondering, but if it held in boston, is there any chance
that ntl_ (nathan) and i came? yes we are in texas, but we would love
to join the Con. i fully understand if its an invite only thing.
--- Matt Housh <jaeger@morpheus.net > wrote:
> > 4. Do you have any suggestion where it should be
> held this year?
> My vote is for Boston since Jay mentioned it and
> I've never been there.
> :) Also, if we need to rent a conference room, I can
> contribute some
> money that would otherwise go to overseas plane
> tickets to this.
I could secure some space at my University for
meetings. I could also host 2 Cruxers at my place.
I'm also drunk.
Jay Dolan
Software Engineer, Systems Analyst
Windmill Cycles, Inc.
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