Forwarded as requested by Daniel ----- Forwarded message from Daniel Walpole <> ----- From: Daniel Walpole <> Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 22:28:37 +1000 To: Johannes Winkelmann <> Subject: Maintainer Resignation Hi Johannes, First of all I would like to apologise for ignoring any emails relating to bug reports and version updates. Right now I just can't seem to find the time or effort to maintain my ports at a level I find acceptable. There are a number of reasons for this, the main ones being my increasing study load and more recently, a genetic illness which has become progressively worse of late. Crux will still remain my distro of choice, however I cannot justify my recent poor efforts as a Maintainer and that's why I'm resigning. I hope you can understand the reasons for my decision. On another note, apparently I'm not a member of the development mailing list so I was just wondering if you could forward this email onto the mailing list for me. Oh and one more thing, my ports won't move to the attic properly, is there anything to automate this process? Regards -DW ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Johannes Winkelmann Zurich, Switzerland