Sheeit 8)
1. Would/Could you attend CRUXCon '05 in november this year?
2. Would you attend even if it was on another continent (US <-> Europe <-> Australia)?
Probably. If it's held in the 'States, definitely.
We might consider paying some money into a pool, to cover the costs for a conference room and level out the travel expenses.
Not a bad idea.
3. Could you attend a meeting with a duration of a week?
It's *possible*, I can't commit to that right now, tho. Not like you guys need me there for more than entertainment value, anyway :)
4. Do you have any suggestion where it should be held this year?
Boston, of course :) Jay Jay Dolan Software Engineer, Systems Analyst Windmill Cycles, Inc. 508.999.4000 ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page