I've been evaluating some wiki package during the last days and my preference goes to wikka wiki:
for the following reasons:
- lightweight but with interesting features - easy to configure/install/manage - graphically customizable (ie: select the "withew.css" skin in the url above) - good support for ACLs, very useful for subprojects - does not require 3rd party software (just plain php+mysql)
I agree with that. I especially like the way to embedd own code with "actions". Like already mentioned I am going to integrate my ports database into the CRUX/CLC website. So I want to ask if this should stay a one-man-project or if anybody is interested in collaborating. In case there are volunteers I suggest to write a white paper describing the current implementation and my ideas. So we have a basis for discussions about features, implementation and improvements. Regards Till -- http://www.tbmnet.de