Hi all, one outstanding point is still the question how to deal with dependencies for core and even opt ports. IIRC one result of CruxCon 2005 was, to handle that in the following way: - All core/opt ports should list run-time dependencies - but not to glibc and gcc - no build-time dependencies As a first step I've created a dependency list of all core ports [1] with a slightly modified version of Johannes' 'finddeps' [2]. To simplify this, the script 'mkdeplist' [3] could be used. The output of 'reducedeps' [4] is a compressed list with no redundant dependencies [5]. [6] is a list of all core/opt ports installed on my system. Be aware, [3] and [4] are quick hacks without any comments and error checks. One drawback of the method above is, that the list is not complete, because only deps which can be found with ldd are listed. Other deps like hicolor-icon-theme for gtk or ruby for yapo are missing. Ok so far, but how to proceed ? - if we agree with the rules above, I'll add all the missing deps to the core ports. - remove build-time deps like pkgconfig - define a list of core-core ports, which must be installed to build ports, or ... ? - it would be nice if we had a complete core/opt list. I'm volunteer for creating/maintaining such a list. To build them I need the output of 'mkdeplist /usr/ports/opt'. Thanks for your attention and kind regards Juergen [1] http://jue.li/crux/misc/core_deps_full.txt [2] http://jue.li/crux/misc/finddeps [3] http://jue.li/crux/misc/mkdeplist [4] http://jue.li/crux/misc/reducedeps [5] http://jue.li/crux/misc/core_deps.txt [6] http://jue.li/crux/misc/all_deps.txt -- Juergen Daubert | mailto:jue@jue.li Korb, Germany | http://jue.li/crux