I think it gets too complicated from that point, creating gadzilion of repositories isn't good solution. If DE maintainers are afraid of allowing contrib members to access their repos, I think good solution would be changing contrib rules so we could maintain specific DE dependent ports in contrib.
That would also be a good solution, and far simpler. Any objections? Since DE repositories are way smaller than contrib, I don't think it would be overkill to subscribe to a DE repo if you want to use a specific DE program from contrib. That being said, this is my preferred solution, followed by contrib-*, followed by allowing submissions from contrib members. BTW, contrib-gnome, contrib-kde and contrib-xfce, are only 3 repos, not a gazillion. People allowed in contrib would also be allowed in contrib-*, that would ease the admission process. I'm still in favor Bartek's proposition over this. I don't mind few people submitting a useful KDE port, but I think this won't be the case and with time our DE repos will end up being a mess. I would also like to hear the opinion of the other DE maintainers. Regards, -- Alan