I've made an update for the snort port from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1, which was released in July. There was an option on the 2.0.0 port (unmaintained, but packaged by Jeremy Jones) that was strange. It was configured "--with-flexresp", which first of all is the wrong option for flexible responses, the correct option is "--enable-flexresp". Second, in the documentation, flexresp is marked with "Consider this code as ALPHA. Heavy testing is needed.". I'm not sure what the general policy is for CLC contrib ports, but I think that the spirit of Crux is to stick to stable versions and stable features. I've thus removed this option (and the dependency on libnet-compat. (Please correct me if I'm wrong) The 2.0.1 Pkgfile, .md5sum, and .footprint files are available here: http://plutor.org/projects/crux/?snort Logan