Am 10.12.2009 21:25, schrieb Clemens Koller:
What about adding something like prt-get --push <portname> that a newly created / updated port will be published to some mailing list for review and inclusion into i.e. contrib?
You think about something like git-format-patch and git-send-email? ;)
I take care of my own (maybe five to ten) ports which get an update every once in a while. I think adding my repo to the already 50 others doesn't make sense since I don't see any advantage to have even more repos and more different versions to choose from (not knowing versions without checking it manually).
I think it would be much better to centralise the repositories to get opt and contrib more up-to-date instead of everybody is doing his/her own thing. What do you think?
Somehow I don't get, how you came to the conclusion, that you want to centralize all ports, but don't think, that it is worth to publish your own ports. Imho it is pretty simple to become a conrtib maintainer to make your ports available for everyone. The problem I see in putting everything in contrib is that _everyone_ then puts his port into it and therefore (if someone puts a port there and forgets about them) ports can get unmaintained pretty soon. You could work arround this, if you say, that everyone is "allowed" to update everyone's port in conrtib. But as a developer I know, that you can pretty easyly offend other developers, if you touch their code, so this could be some kind of contraproductive. bye richi