To me personally, the following point is most important: - combined httpup collection as new 'contrib'
I'll try to start testing this weekend (I'll send another mail on this). [...]
Excellent. I agree that the merged contrib is very important. Please let me know if prtsync needs further work. I'd really like to have an instant notification if a port is not
The next most pressing issue I think would have to be merging the CLC portal and CRUX website, altho I don't see it on the list it was something we talked at length about at CruxCon. I don't want to start rambling off ideas without knowing what other people are thinking of doing, but we need a plan ;) Yeah, and some commitment I guess. I've heard people complaining about
Hi, On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 05:03:00 -0800, Jay Dolan wrote: [..] maintained anymore; as far as I can see, this is only done by the "not modified in 20 days" check, which again is rather dangerous for ports which hardly ever change (even though aterm has a beta out, and blackbox an RC ;-)). [...] the CLC wiki in #crux... I guess if we build up a new page, we should really try to make those people help us to build up the new wiki, since there really is some interest. Kind regards, Johannes -- Johannes Winkelmann Bern, Switzerland