1 May
1 May
1:56 p.m.
Johannes Winkelmann wrote:
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 14:06:40 +0200, Johannes Winkelmann wrote:
Hi Danny,
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 17:36:15 +1000, Danny Rawlins wrote: [...]
I would also like to see some option to include Optional/nicetohave ports in depends on like:
prt-get depinst pinentry --optional=gtk,qt3
Note that this would be the same as running prt-get depinst pinentry gtk qt3
err, no wait. There's no guarantee that gtk an qt3 will be installed before, so this would indeed need additional code.
Then you could use: prt-get depinst `prt-get nicetohave pinentry` pinentry as I read, depinst installs all packages in the listed order, including their dependencies, so it should do the trick Thanks, Jose V Beneyto