5 Dec
5 Dec
8:09 a.m.
Hi everybody, I discovered at least two ports, which need a recompile after update: apache and ruby and all other ports which where linked to libgdbm. We should increase the release number of these two ports, so everybody knows the need for a recompile. Two more questions: who wants to maintain the mozilla port in the future? And what will we do with the mozilla-flash-plugin? One port with files for firebird and mozilla or one port for mozilla and one port for firebird? Bye Martin -- martin opel / fachbereich informatik - fachhochschule regensburg / email: martin.opel@informatik.fh-regensburg.de / web: http://rfhs8012.fh-regensburg.de/~opel/ / phone: +49 941 943-1336, fax: +49 941 943-1426