Jose V Beneyto wrote:
I wrote a patch for listing 'Nice to have' dependencies with prt-get Sometimes I want to known these nice-to-have ports, but I'm not a bash guru and often I use large lines:
Nice I'll try it out in awhile.
$ prt-get cat pinentry Pkgfile | grep '^# Nice to have:' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,/ /' gtk qt3
prt-get nicetohave sounds better imho : )
I would prefer prt-get optional pinentry, and have the meta tag as "# Optional: "
$ prt-get info pinentry Name: pinentry Path: /usr/ports/opt Version: 0.7.5 Release: 1 Description: Secure PinEntry Dialog URL: Packager: Alan Mizrahi, alan at mizrahi dot com dot ve Maintainer: Simon Gloßner, viper at hometux dot de Dependencies: ncurses Nice to have: gtk,qt3
$ prt-get nicetohave pinentry gtk qt3
It's not a big changeset, just a little patch which does the trick. I think it could be useful for others, what are your opinions?
I would also like to see some option to include Optional/nicetohave ports in depends on like: prt-get depinst pinentry --optional=gtk,qt3
I attached the patch, for everyone who want to test it and/or give suggestions.
Maybe you would want to split the patch up for general indentation of source code in case the patch gets rejected the one to clean the formating up maybe get included.
Best regards,
Jose V Beneyto Regards, Danny Rawlins <Romster>