Just found these orphaned ports in opt: $ grep "#.*Maintainer.*Matt Housh" */Pkgfile | cut -d/ -f1 avahi * desktop-file-utils * gnutls gob libdaemon mingetty * opencdk vpnc The ones with a * are ones I use, so I can adopt these. I also noticed that Tilman recently made a commit for avahi. Yet Matt is still marked at the maintainer... -- Lucas Hazel <lucas@die.net.au>
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 21:05:14 +1000 Lucas Hazel <lucas@die.net.au> wrote:
Just found these orphaned ports in opt:
$ grep "#.*Maintainer.*Matt Housh" */Pkgfile | cut -d/ -f1
avahi * desktop-file-utils * gnutls gob libdaemon mingetty * opencdk vpnc
The ones with a * are ones I use, so I can adopt these.
gnutls which had opencdk as a requirement no longer uses it as an external dependency, instead using internal sources only. gnutls was also the only port I could find that is dependent on opencdk. So, unless there are any objections, I'll delete the port from opt. -- Lucas Hazel <lucas@die.net.au>
Hi Lucas, On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 22:07:38 +1000, Lucas Hazel wrote:
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 21:05:14 +1000 Lucas Hazel <lucas@die.net.au> wrote:
Just found these orphaned ports in opt:
The ones with a * are ones I use, so I can adopt these.
gnutls which had opencdk as a requirement no longer uses it as an external dependency, instead using internal sources only. gnutls was also the only port I could find that is dependent on opencdk. So, unless there are any objections, I'll delete the port from opt. Thanks a lot for the investigation. Of course, if you can pick those up, it would be great. I agree with the deletions, unless someone speaks up and maintains them.
Cheers, Johannes -- Johannes Winkelmann mailto:jw@smts.ch Zurich, Switzerland http://jw.smts.ch
Lucas Hazel [2008-06-24 21:05]: Hi,
Just found these orphaned ports in opt:
$ grep "#.*Maintainer.*Matt Housh" */Pkgfile | cut -d/ -f1
Thanks for bringing this up. We failed epically at handling this :(
avahi * desktop-file-utils * gnutls gob libdaemon mingetty * opencdk vpnc
The ones with a * are ones I use, so I can adopt these.
Please go ahead. Since nobody did anything to these, it's safe to assume that noone will complain if they go away or whatever :D
I also noticed that Tilman recently made a commit for avahi. Yet Matt is still marked at the maintainer...
I just talked to Matt and asked whether he could maintain libdaemon and avahi in the Gnome repository. He agreed -- I think we can drop libdaemon and avahi from opt soon. I just removed mingetty as well. Regards, Tilman -- A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
Lucas Hazel [2008-06-24 21:05]:
Just found these orphaned ports in opt:
$ grep "#.*Maintainer.*Matt Housh" */Pkgfile | cut -d/ -f1
Updated: $ grep "#.*Maintainer.*Matt Housh" */Pkgfile | cut -d/ -f1 $ Hurray! So I think we just need to find a poor soul to take nvidia, right? Any volunteers? Please? Regards, Tilman -- A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
participants (3)
Johannes Winkelmann
Lucas Hazel
Tilman Sauerbeck