--- Nick Steeves <Nick.Steeves@shaw.ca> wrote:
Hi Jay,
Under the sync section of the prtsync manpage, the email format is specified as: EMAIL=user@provider.net. It should read: EMAIL=user at provider dot net, according to those port guideline changes from earlier this spring. Here's a bit of code to show what I mean:
Line 80 - email=`fgrep "EMAIL=" $driver | sed "s/EMAIL=//"` + email=`fgrep "EMAIL=" $driver | sed -e "s/EMAIL=//" -e "s/ at /@/" + # is there a better way to guarantee $? is 0? + test 1=1 + # how should one deal with an unpredictable # of "dot"? + while [ $? -eq 0 ]; do + email=`echo $email | sed "s| dot |.|"` + echo $email | grep " dot " > /dev/null +done url=`fgrep "URL=" $driver | sed "s/URL=//"` Line 83
Cheers, Nick
Hi Nick, The EMAIL directive is not required by httpup(8) or ports(8). It's an extension used only by prtsync, only on the CLC server. As this address is never publicly viewed over the web (unlike Pkgfiles), I think leaving it unobscured is perfectly fine. However, if others think it'd be a nice feature, I'll add support for it. I guess people could start supplying EMAIL in their .httpup files, aleviating some of the prtsync maintenance, as I currently add this by hand *g*. Perhaps a slightly cleaner patch: email=`fgrep "EMAIL=" $driver | sed 's|EMAIL=||; s| at |@|; s| dot |\.|'` This would actually allow either address syntax. Thanks for poking into this :) Jay Dolan Software Engineer, Systems Analyst Windmill Cycles, Inc. 508.999.4000 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com
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Jay Dolan