Port: /home/crux/git-to-rsync-working-copy/crux-3.6/core/libpcre Url: https://ftp.pcre.org/pub/pcre/pcre-8.45.tar.bz2 Reason: curl: (28) Failed to connect to ftp.pcre.org port 443 after 130178 ms: Connection timed out State: Changed reason Port: /home/crux/git-to-rsync-working-copy/crux-3.6/contrib/moc Url: http://ftp.daper.net/pub/soft/moc/stable/moc-2.5.2.tar.bz2 Reason: curl: (28) Failed to connect to ftp.daper.net port 80 after 129096 ms: Connection timed out State: Changed reason Port: /home/crux/git-to-rsync-working-copy/crux-3.6/compat-32/libpcre-32 Url: https://ftp.pcre.org/pub/pcre/pcre-8.45.tar.bz2 Reason: curl: (28) Failed to connect to ftp.pcre.org port 443 after 129830 ms: Connection timed out State: Changed reason Full report: http://crux.nu/files/check_urls.html
participants (1)