Thanks to danm's work, we now get native 32-bit capabilities out of gcc.
I have a few updates available in my ports repo now. Most notably,
gcc-3.4.4 w/multilib and natively built glibc32. Also, danm's patched
libpng is in my opt-x86_64, and firefox is updated to version 1.0.6.
About gcc-3.4.4 and glibc32-2.3.5 -- a bit of a chicken-egg issue here.
Because of the 64-bit gcc and glibc packages from the crux64 iso, you
won't be able to build these right off the bat. I have precompiled
binary versions of gcc-3.4.4 and glibc32-2.3.5 available that you'll
need to use:
Get 'em from here, pkgadd -u, then, if you're a stickler about such
things, you can build them natively.
Possibly today, more likely tomorrow, I'll try to throw together an
updated iso image, crux-x86_64-2.1.1.iso, with all the updates included.
Now a logistical question:
With native 32-bit abilities in gcc, I'll probably start building native
32-bit compatibility libs w/out using i686 crux's binary packages
re-packed. Should these get stuck into opt-x86_64 or should we have a
separate compat-32 ports repository?
Thanks again, danm, and thanks to those of you using and testing crux64!
I've played with CRUX64 this week and found out that the current gcc
isn't able to produce 32bit binaries (--disable-multilib). Since we are
using /lib32 instead of /lib for (32bit) libraries gcc needs to be
patched. I've attached two ports that I am using at the moment. I had
to use a SuSE (64bit) to build it, because of the missing in CRUX64's gcc.
Johannes sent me an interesting link yesterday:
Currently I'm working on a CRUX64 which is able to build 32bit
applications natively. If someone is interested - I'll release my
results at (page is still empty :-).
I'd like to thank Jeremy for his work on CRUX64!
bye, danm
Daniel Mueller
Berlin, Germany OpenPGP: 1024D/E4F4383A
I think I've found a small bug in the current libpng port. The
32bit-version binds to libmath (-lm) and zlib (-lz):
danm@torax:~$ ldd /chroot32/usr/lib/ => (0xffffe000)
--> => /lib32/ (0x5559e000)
--> => /usr/lib32/ (0x555c1000) => /lib32/ (0x555d2000)
/lib/ (0x56555000)
The 64bit-version has no references to those libraries.
danm@torax:~$ ldd /usr/lib/ => /lib/ (0x00002aaaaabec000)
/lib64/ (0x0000555555554000)
I've attached an updated port. Maybe some of you will find it useful. I
came across this problem while trying to compile SLiM.
bye, danm
Daniel Mueller
Berlin, Germany OpenPGP: 1024D/E4F4383A