I've been asked about the status of CRUX64 as I have been quiet about it. I can assure everyone that I have not abandoned the project. I'll now attempt to give a rundown of things as they stand. As things have changed quite a bit from Daniel's release. Ports: Daniel introduced many new features not seen in CRUX/Linux, notably PAM. I have removed all of this in favour of following the official ports as closely as possible, only including extra ports necessary to the distribution (ie: linux32). To reduce the amount of maintenance required, the ports will also be identical to the official ports tree in terms of features, versions, patches, etc (again only making changes required for the x86_64 architecture). File System Hierarchy: To reduce the need modifying ports, lib and lib64 will be reversed. That is, lib64 will be symlinked to lib. This seems to be the popular choice among other 64 bit distributions and reduced the need for modifying ports for x86_64. Preferably pkgutils should handle symlinks correctly. A conversation with one of the CRUX mods (I forget who) revealed that pkgutils will not be receiving any major updates for the 2.3 release (INSTALL, symlinks, etc). Multiarch: I have discussed this previously in more detail (refer to archives). The main issue with the implementation is that many utilities will need to be modified to be made multiarch aware. Until such a date when there is an official multiarch solution there will be 2 sets of ports, the development branch and the release branch. The development branch will be in the multiarch format, while the release branch will be processed from development to fit the traditional port hierarchy. Release Schedule: There is not release schedule as yet, as this version of CRUX64 will be released as 2.3, I would like to wait for the official 2.3 release. I'm lazy and figure I'll just wait until the new dependency tree is finalised (re: xorg) rather than do it myself. Secondly we are expecting a child any day now (due on Sunday) so things are a bit hectic here at the moment. So the only times I get to work on CRUX64 are when everyone is asleep or on a really slow day at work. So bear with me for now, it will be ready when it's ready :) -- Lucas Hazel <lucas@die.net.au>