11 Dec
11 Dec
10:19 a.m.
Just found a bug in ROX-Filer that affects AMD64 http://nipul.dynserv.net/lhazel64#rox For anyone that uses this fine file manager on CRUX64. -- Lucas Hazel <lucas@digitillogic.net> Digit Illogic Enterises [http://digitillogic.net/www] [phone: +61401313870] [ABN: 52841332786] AMAC Fast Track Computers Technician 209 Beardy Street, Armidale NSW [phone: +61267711287] School of Maths and Computer Science University of New England Armidale, Australia [http://cs.une.edu.au] ================================================= "Clothes make the man. Naked men are rarely taken seriously, or given employment." (Mark Twain) =================================================