22 Jun
22 Jun
12:50 p.m.
crux64 looks promissing, and I'd me more than happy if I could help with project. I already have done some initial testing and must say crux for 64 bit processors is in demand. If I may suggest an idea to add variable to pkgmk.conf like ie. ARCH_HOST=64, which would make easier "architecture type" extraction.
Why would that be a good idea?
Because we could use one ports tree instead of two, which would be easier to maintain.
It might also result in horribly messy Pkgfiles. Also, footprints might differ among architectures, you might need different patches etc.
Regards, Tilman
But on the other hand a lot of the x86_64 Pkgfiles are going to be duplicates of their i686 counterparts (I'd say most of them). regards Bartek