I've been running an amd64 optimized version of crux for a little while now -- seems relatively stable. Some of Mattias' work, some of my own plodding through. There's (almost certainly improperly designed) multilib support -- with a binary glibc32 port; most software builds fine with occasional minor modifications to Pkgfiles. If you use it, you should also download ports.tar.gz, which contains my base, opt, and contrib port directories, with all the modified Pkgfiles, binary packages, and the source code. Using ports requires curl & httpup from contrib, as cvsup won't build. When you update ports, they'll go to base-http, opt-http, etc, so you won't mix up the 64-bit revisions with the standard ports tree. Some notes: lilo, traceroute, and glibc32 are built from binary packages ripped from i686 crux -- they won't build natively. Firefox -- well I just got lazy there & didn't bother figuring out how to compile natively with amd64, so I use a binary version optimized for 64-bit arch. I could certainly use some help with doing the 32/64-bit biarch lib thing right. One version of this had all 64-bit libraries in /lib64, /usr/lib64, etc. -- now I just let the libraries go where they want to when building the packages. Far fewer missing library problems compiling other software that way. But I know this is probably wrong. Anyhow, it works for me! find it at http://www.samnjack.com/crux-amd64/ (be kind with my bandwidth, please!) -- Jeremy Jones <jeremy@samnjack.com>