Hi, On Mon, 2005-04-25 at 18:42 -0400, Lazy Wally wrote:
what would I have to do if I wanted to compile all ports with -march=k8, or make an ISO for myself. Please keep in mind that I am not very knowledgable :-)
You can edit /etc/pkgmk.conf & replace the generic "-march=x86-64" with the more specific "-march=k8". Then, cd /usr/ports/base-x86_64 and run "pkgmk -d -u -r -f". Do the same thing in /usr/ports/opt-x86_64 if you like. If you want to build an iso, you can download this tarball: http://www.samnjack.com/crux-amd64/crux-x86_64.tar.gz It's the build environment for the iso. If you want to change the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS for the iso, make sure you first edit your "real" pkgmk.conf (as above) AND edit my patch to pkgutils (/path/to/decompressed/tarball/ports/base/pkgutils/pkgutils-5.19.patch) so the iso won't revert to my original settings during the bootstrap. You'll see what to change in that file. So, to build the iso, change your cflags, edit that patch, cd into /path/to/decompressed/tarball, and do this: # make bootstrap Now go to work, or go to bed, or go on vacation or something, cuz this takes a looooong time. When convinced the bootstrap process has finished (check your logfiles in the top of the build directory), do this: # make iso et voila: crux.iso is ready. This build process is Per's cvs build tree with a few hacks to the Makefile and the setup script to make installation on x86_64 work right (what with the /lib -> lib64 symlinks & such). Anyone who sees where it can be improved, please let me know... Jeremy