On Tue, 20 Dec 2005 20:47:48 -0500 "David M. Strang" <dstrang@shellpower.net> wrote:
I'm planning to integrate AMD's 64bit glibc-patches and using gcc4 instead of gcc3.
Sounds good. Offbeat question... how horrible of an upgrade will it be from gcc3 to gcc4? Or is there no upgrade; is it simply a reload?
Good timing in my books, I was considering doing a reinstallation on my amd64 box, now I'll wait for the gcc4 release of crux64. Regarding -fPIC, I've come across a few applications that won't compile without it. I've heard that not using it results in a slight performance increase, but that doesn't bother me. I'd rather my 0.2% CPU time to be used doing things correctly rather than quickly. -- Lucas Hazel <lucas@digitillogic.net> ================================================= "Clothes make the man. Naked men are rarely taken seriously, or given employment." (Mark Twain) =================================================