* justin domingue (justin.domingue@hotmail.com) wrote:
I've been using CRUX for about 2 days (still getting my kernel panic, but I will resolve it soon) and I would like to get more people using CRUX, more people thinking as I am (I think the same as CRUX phylosophy). Now, I've got an idea. You probably know http://distrowatch.com... They have a distribution popularity rank (HDP or Hit Per Day). As I am talking, Ubuntu is 2357, Mint : 1622, Fedora : 1579, etc (in the last 6 months) . Unfortunatly, CRUX is ranking at 144 this month (less than 40 views!) . It's sad because it has almost no visibility, and people that could eventually try it probably think they isn't a lot of people (community).
That's a noble target but you should have a look at http://crux.nu/Main/About which says: (...) Unlike other distributions, the primary goal of CRUX is not to be the most popular (read: biggest number of users) or to put as many features as possible into the system. The idea is rather to build a streamlined distribution, targetted at a specific audience which in turn gets a system without compromises. (...) regards, Thomas -- Bad user karma.