On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 09:15:40PM +0000, Wawrzek Niewodniczanski wrote:
On 17 March 2014 21:13, Wawrzek Niewodniczanski <main@wawrzek.name> wrote:
Quick Hello again,
I try to build sane I notice that source download fails. URL looks OK, but seems to be password protected. What's an approach in such situation? Anything else than manual download?
I found this page with other URL.
Should pkgfile be change?
Thanks for the report. Since the crux project lack resources for our own mirroring, this is quite common. alioth.debian.org is generally a pretty stable repository for lots of projects. But sometimes they do have issues. I expect it to be back up and running within 24hrs, usually. In the mean time, you can either change the Pkgfile locally or download it manually and place it in $PKGMK_SOURCE_DIR (see pkgmk.conf). Cheers -- Fredrik Rinnestam