17 Feb
17 Feb
8:48 p.m.
El Dom 17 Feb 2008, Clemens Koller escribió:
Hi there!
I just realized that i.e. dovecot and exim /etc/rc.d start/stop scripts' reload function doesn't work over here on CRUX-2.4, bash 3.2.33(1).
I had to use the /bin/kill binary, otherwise, I get:
$ ./exim reload ./exim: line 19: kill: SIGHUP: invalid signal specification
My bash's internal `kill` doesn't seem to recognize SIGHUP. Can you please verify?! The following patches work around the problem, but I want to understand whether this behaviour is expected or erratic.
You are not using bash, bash's builtin kill does accept SIGHUP. There are many scripts in CRUX that need this kind of correction, scripts that use #!/bin/sh should not use bash specific features. -- Alan