20 Apr
20 Apr
2:58 p.m.
Hello, for a few days now I am trying to update the xfburn port on my Crux 2.4 system. All other ports are up to date. It always hangs while running the svn checkout command until I kill -9 the svn process. Exactly it hangs after creating the .svn directory under /usr/ports/xfce/xfburn/work/src/xfburn. I have rebuilt the subversion port and all of its dependencies without a change of the behaviour of the svn checkout command in the xfburn port. I have asked someone else with a different system (Mac OS X) to checkout the xfburn sources with the same command as in the xfburn port. He could check out the sources without a problem. I have no clue where else to search for the cause. Can anyone please help me? Regards, Markus