Hello fellow CRUXers, First I'd like to thank each of you for this fun little distro and the community around it. It's been a pleasure running it for the past year. I have a few questions regarding the licensing of the official ports collections. 1) What license are the Pkgfiles in the official collections (core, opt, xorg) under, and where is the license explicitly stated? The reason I ask is that I am trying to start a personal project that requires all of the involved software to be free software, and ambiguously licensed things are not free software. I saw an earlier email on this mailing list that stated that these collections were under some form of the GPL, but if that is true then a copy of the GPL should be included in that directory somewhere so that it is distributed with the Pkgfiles. (One copy for the entire collection would be sufficient if I understand properly) 2) What license are the various patches, archives, etc that are included in the ports dirs licensed under? Are they ambiguously licensed? For example, see btrfs-progs-man-v4.1.tar.xz here: https://crux.nu/gitweb/?p=ports/core.git;a=tree;f=btrfs-progs;h=43c7450fc65b... I don't even know where that's from, let alone what license it's under, unless a license somewhere is applied to the whole repository that I missed somehow. Thanks in advance for any help, -Alan Beadle