On Sun, 28 Jan 2007 19:09:44 +0100 Hannes Mayer <kontakt@ecarux.de> wrote:
Am Sonntag 28 Januar 2007 18:47:33 schrieb Jesse Kokkarinen:
This has been said a thousand and one times to infinity, the resources are not there. Nothing in this world is permanent, that is why backups are to be made ;)
Take a look at these Ports. Some of them are tree till four years old. Wahts effort to maintain them? There was no new Versions and Changes for a very long time.
Talk is cheap. Have you made the effort to nofity the maintainer. -- Lucas Hazel <lucas@die.net.au> ================================================= "Clothes make the man. Naked men are rarely taken seriously, or given employment." (Mark Twain) =================================================