Hello, I am still on CRUX 3.4 at the moment, and I will check the errors when the final ISO is released. In the meantime, I thank you for reporting the failures. Regards Tsaop On 23/05/19, Giorgio Cittadini wrote:
To the kind attention of tsaop.
Hi, from time to time I try to install KF5 on crux-3.5rc0. These are the problems I encountered yesterday 21/5.
1) udisks-2.1.7 can't be installed, but it is possible to install correctly udisks-2.1.8.
2) libaccounts-glib [name=libaccounts-glib; version=1.24; release=1; source=()] can't be installed. Its deps are all OK, but I get always the error:
***** generating Accounts-1.0.typelib with a custom command.terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc Pkgfile: line 12: 697 Aborted DESTDIR=$PKG ninja install ------> ERROR: Building '/home/pkgmk/packages/libaccounts-glib#1.24-1.pkg.tar.gz' failed *****
3) no libaccounts-glib induces no libaccounts-qt; no libaccounts-qt induces no signon-ui; no signon-ui induces no kaccounts-integration; no kaccounts-integration induces no kaccounts-providers.
4) so, all the problems seem to lie in the impossibility of installing libaccount-glib.
5) the final plasma5 installation I get is widely incomplete.
6) how to proceed?
Thanks for the help you will want to give me.
Giorgio Cittadini
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